migrarea serverului NetVault (Linux-Linux, Windows-Windows, Linux<->Windows)

migrarea serverului NetVault (Linux-Linux, Windows-Windows, Linux<->Windows)

incepand cu versiunile mai noi de NVBU (9.2) migrarea se face conform:
Aici exista o referinta catre procedura de restaurare a NVBU database si anume (atentie la pasii 7 si 12):

NetVault Backup Knowledge Article 78685

Status Published
  • Title

    How to Migrate a NetVault Server
  • Description

    Migration of a NetVault:Backup server from one machine to another can be performed, however the following pre-requisites conditions must be met.


    • The original and target machines should be running on the same platform - e.g. both running on Windows-based operating systems or both on Linux-based operating systems. For Cross-platform migrations, certain procedures must be followed. Please contact Quest support for advice if you intend to do a cross-platform migration.
    • The original and target NetVault: Backup servers MUST have the SAME version of NetVault:Backup installed, e.g. NetVault 8.6.1
  • Resolution


    1. Perform a backup of the original server’s NetVault:Backup database using the Databases plugin.
    2. Install NetVault:Backup onto the target machine as server making sure it has the same Netvault name as the previous server. If there are any NetVault:Backup client versions present on the target machine then uninstall those first. The pre-requisite conditions mentioned above must be met during the install, or NetVault will not function correctly.
    3. Add the tape device to the target NetVault:Backup server from the Device Management GUI window.
    4. Load and import the tape containing the backup taken in step 1. Once read, the tape will show up as "foreign" on the new server. Right-click and "scan" it.
    5. Open the Restore GUI window and locate the backup session imported in step 4.
    6. Follow the restore procedures in the article "Netvault Database / NVDB Recovery".

      External URL:


    7. Note that "Keys" should not be selected when doing a migration, as keys are machine locked and will not be valid on the new server. Make sure that you are selecting the new server in the target client tab.
    8. Remove and re-add the devices in Device Management GUI window. This is required because the Media Manager database restore will have overwritten the device entries added in step 3 with those of the original server, which are likely not connected to the new server.
    9. If necessary, re-add missing clients in Client Management GUI window.

    If the NetVault machine ID has changed, then you will have to change your NetVault Server license key over.

    You can now manage your license keys yourself by logging on to the following link and enter the email address that is logged against the NetVault Server license and the Serial Number/NetVault Server License Number:




    Once logged in, just click on the current NetVault Server Machine ID and the window will change, so that you can enter the new Machine ID.

    Once submitted, you will eventually see the window change and it will now list the new Machine ID.

    Then an email will be sent with the new license key.

    You can also request new keys or get licensing assistance from the following URL:


    Alternatively you can send an email to license@quest.com with your company's name, contact details, site ID (if you know it) and request a replacement license based on the new host ID.

    If the machine id is the same as the original server, you can apply your original license keys.

    Note: If you installed NetVault with a different name than the original NetVault server had, the name will be changed back to the original name during the restore.

    Warning: Do not keep the old NetVault server running after migrating. Having two servers with the same NetVault name running will cause many communication problems. If you need to keep the NetVault server running as a client, remove the NetVault server installation and install the NetVault client software. You can then specify a different NetVault name during the installation or use the nvclientname utility to change the name of the client after the installation.

Knowledge Article 79386

  • Title

    Netvault Database / NVDB Recovery - (Video)
  • Description

    Should you find yourself in a position where you have completely lost your Netvault Database and are in need to recover from tape, the easiest way of getting the database back up and running will be directly in proportion to how well you prepare for the disaster.

  • Resolution

    Please see the video below:


    Netvault Database Backup

    1. The Netvault Database needs to be scheduled every day using the Database Plugin.
    2. It should run at a time where no other jobs are running.
    3. You should always keep a minimum of 15 NVDB sessions on tape.
    4. You should always put the NVDB sessions on tapes within its own group separate from backups.
    5. If possible, dedicate at least two tapes to NVDB group that are online. This way when one is active, the other will retire its sessions and can be over written by the time the other fills up.
    6. Always be able to visually tell which tapes contain the NVDB, either by what slot they are in, or better yet, physically mark the tapes.

    Netvault Database Recovery

    1. If needed, reinstall Netvault Server, and make sure you give it exact same name as before. (Note: It is possible to restore the NetVault database to a NetVault server that has a different NetVault name, but the procedure in this solution won't work)
    2. Open NVGUI, go to Device Manager and cancel Auto configure if needed.
    3. Configure only the Library that contains NVDB backup tapes.
    4. While in Edit Device Screen, Go to Configure tab, right click on library arm and in configuration tab select Mark Unknown Media as Blank, select OK, then save configuration.
    5. Scan in your NVDB tape(s) only.
    6. Select session from last known good state of NVDB
    7. From Session select Media Manager and Backup Indexes ONLY!
    8. Run restore job
    9. Upon completion of job, the Netvault Service will stop
    10. Open NV Configurator, Service Tab, Restart Service
    11. Open NVGUI, Restore Manager, go to same session you just restored from
    12. Select Schedule Manager ONLY!
    13. Run the restore job
    14. Upon completion of job the Netvault Service will once again stop
    15. Restart the Netvault service again.
    16. Wait 10 to 15 seconds, Stop service again, then restart. This will kill any stray jobs that may have started up when they were restored.
    17. Go back to restore session and select whatever other components you would like to restore.
    18. Go Back to Device Management, Modify Library, and deselect option to Mark Unknown Media as Blank.
    19. Scan in any tapes that may have had sessions backed up to them after NVDB backup was done.